calling all wild bird feeders!!

I have Oriole's...Baltimore and Orchard, goldfinches, purple finches, grosbeaks, wrens, nuthatches, and woodpeckers....and a squirrel that likes grape jelly.
Much to the dismay of the gold and purple finches I had to remove the feeders on the deck. Too many free loading tree rats.

We have 2 nesting pairs of Robins in the yard this year. One nest is in an apple tree in the front yard. The other is on top of a roll of chain link fence leaning up against the back of the barn of all places. No redtails nesting across the street this year.
Sorry for being gone so long.

I am finally back home, I really missed my feeders.

As I sit here and have my coffee, I have had purple finches, house finches, a pair of cardinals, chirping sparrow and lots of gold finches greeting me. (not to mention the haunted chickadee)..

When I was in Florida, I actually opened my computer and stared at the pictures I have of my feeders and birds. It is amazing how comforting or reassuring this old man finds the wild birds.

I have my feeders legs made out of 4 inch PVC sewer pipe, the squirrels cannot climb them.
We get lots of birds. I have a feeder but when it snows I throw out lots of seed on the ground. I also spread corn for the wild turkeys.

woodpecker. He is always outside my office window. He loves acorns and will break them against the tree then drop them to eat them.

not sure what kind of bird but they are so funny. They run so fast you cannot see thier legs so they look like they float across the yard.

lots of cardinals

lots of turkeys!

The woodpecker is a red bellied woodpecker..... (look very very hard for the red belly) I am guessing the name red head was gone.

The one you do not know appears to be a killdeer. Some call them a snipe. Or that's what we would call them up here.
Sorry for being gone so long.

I am finally back home, I really missed my feeders.

As I sit here and have my coffee, I have had purple finches, house finches, a pair of cardinals, chirping sparrow and lots of gold finches greeting me. (not to mention the haunted chickadee)..

When I was in Florida, I actually opened my computer and stared at the pictures I have of my feeders and birds. It is amazing how comforting or reassuring this old man finds the wild birds.

I have my feeders legs made out of 4 inch PVC sewer pipe, the squirrels cannot climb them.
Welcome back! I have the same pack of silly cardinals. They empty the feeders daily. not even the rain keeps them away
The occasional blue jay. They are mean but pretty. I did see one getting ripped apart by a hawk (cannot find the picture) so while there are mean there are meaner ones out there!

The woodpecker is a red bellied woodpecker..... (look very very hard for the red belly) I am guessing the name red head was gone.

The one you do not know appears to be a killdeer. Some call them a snipe. Or that's what we would call them up here.

Thanks! It is good to have something to finally call them! Do you happen to know what the tiny black birds in the group are? They are so fun to watch, they all fly together and are spooked easily. They all fly up and then back down together. It is like a wave in the sky!
Thanks! It is good to have something to finally call them! Do you happen to know what the tiny black birds in the group are? They are so fun to watch, they all fly together and are spooked easily. They all fly up and then back down together. It is like a wave in the sky!

I do not or cannot tell by the picture but it is a cool picture, Maybe someone else here can. Wild Birds are so different from area to area.

Do you really not have many Blue Jays there?

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