calling all wild bird feeders!!

Have you had snow yet Ralphie?

We got about 6 inches of real heavy wet snow that settles down into about 2 inches of Ice Snow. It is "drizzling" right now and we are suppose to get more snow today.

I am going to go down and try and scrape the end of the driveway it has a ridge of 4-6 inches of ice the snow plows have piled up there...BUT do not be concerned about my heart. I will use the bobcat to scrape it..
We got about 6 inches of real heavy wet snow that settles down into about 2 inches of Ice Snow. It is "drizzling" right now and we are suppose to get more snow today.

I am going to go down and try and scrape the end of the driveway it has a ridge of 4-6 inches of ice the snow plows have piled up there...BUT do not be concerned about my heart. I will use the bobcat to scrape it..

You've had more than us so far than. We had one light dusting a couple weeks ago that quickly disappeared. Woke up this morning to about 2" on the ground and it hasn't quit snowing yet.

We don't get plows out this far from about dropping that bobcat off at my house when you're done with it?
Of course, I'm only asking as I don't want you overdoing it.
Fluffers, here is a picture of the female Cardinal I took this morning.

I have a picture of the male too, he is in the upper left hand area of the tree.

He is the bright red bird.

nice! i can see the female at the feeder but can't see the male in the second picture.

the Canada geese came for a visit.

earilier this year a goose family can with 3 goslings, (they were older by now) Their mom was blind. I fed them some bread and they ate out of my hand (live every year) but this time one baby let me pet it's head and back! I have had wild mallard ducklings walk over my legs, but this time i can check petting a wild goose off my bucket list!
Is it just me, or has anyone else taught the wild mallards to catch bread in their mouth?

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