calling all wild bird feeders!!

Make sure you have dry ice on them. Nobody likes to get a smelly rotten breast in the mail.

Picky, picky, picky!

Picky, picky, picky!


Well,,,,, because I like being able to post on BYC,,,and because I have been on double secret probation about a dozen times. I think it is best I let this line of thought die....

I need to get more bird seed today. They are cleaning me out.

I might just buy a huge bag and throw it all on the ground, save the finches the work of throwing it on the ground one seed at a time.
Double secret probation? Must have been really bad - all I've ever gotten is warnings. Oh yeah there were those points.
Double secret probation? Must have been really bad - all I've ever gotten is warnings. Oh yeah there were those points.

You can have a shirt too sour...we can all wear one in support of Ralphie.
Heel low:

Guess what showed up and stayed to use the nest boxes my Hero made?

Female Bluebird

Them BOO birds are well established here now.

Male Bluebird

Saw a Nuthatch take out a flying water beetle yesterday eve...<<blick>> but I suspect it was a real protein boost. Rick still has the suet cakes out as the NH are still visiting them.

Plagues of the small striped birds have not started up, the Niger seed feeders get really depleted by them.

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada
I have discovered Gold finches are evil also. They are wasting feed. I had to get a new feeder for them. They broke the last one...The little Buggars!!!

I got one of them with the tray under it to catch what they drop, so you can tell if they are wasting feed....Well they are!

Look at the mounds of feed they have thrown out and onto the ground, that the tray catches!

I might just let them starve if they do not get some table manners!
Hey Ralphie, look closely at the "seeds" they are throwing out. Believe it or not, thistle seed actually has a shell on it, they are probably shelling them at the feeder, eating the seed and leaving the husk.
Sautéed, hmm. I think I once started a thread asking how to cook sparrows. The response was quite negative. I think that I was deemed a troll.

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