calling all wild bird feeders!!

Another bad picture:
So the majority of those are finches? They sure are colorful compared to the ones we see here.
Blue Jays are starting to show up here, I understand many were victims of the avian flu, over the past few years.
I used to use a thin string and tie a peanut to one end and the other high on some branch. Then sit and wait. A blue jay would come over, eyeball the situation and then pull up the string beak full by beak full until the peanut came closer enough to snatch.
Our suburb is pretty much surrounded by Forest Preserves so a lot of birds pass through- and some stay. We have Gold finches all winter and the males have kept pretty decent color. Cardinals always around, I've seen red headed woodpeckers, downy woodpeckers, flickers, - once a group of Bob Whites and they really do say "Bob White."

We have an assortment of hawks,Falcons and Kestrels, often I see cranes by someone's man made pond but they can hear a shutter click from far away and take off before I can focus.

One year our tree was filled with Cedar waxwings, which were easy to ID from my bird book- in 48 years only saw them once - so must have been resting en route to a better

We have graekels (spelling??)Purple Martins, starlings (UGH) some kind of Orioles and thrushes. Our neighbor hung some wren houses in my bushes and they are occupied. I never realized how tiny them are.

Haven't fed birds in years because they spilled so much seed ,mice, etc. were around in droves. And hawks would sit on the telephone poles waiting for diners.
I got pictures of the Grosbeak and the Indigo Bunting!

LOOK what I had visit this afternoon!

What a bird watching morning!

I had an Oriole, a Tanager, rose breasted grosbeak, indigo bunting, gold finches, and house finches!

In talking to people on the Minnesota thread, I am guessing I just have a flock of Tanagers passing through, I have seen a couple at a time and I doubt they will stay and nest here.

I know I showed one before, but this is two of them and they are just so darn good looking!
Ok I am extremely jealous of your indigo bunting. I have only ever seen one for about three glorious seconds at my feeder and then gone.
And a scarlet tanager!! You lucky dog. :eek:
I occasionally get a grosebeak but never more than one at a time.
I rarely see bluebird s here. I have way too many house sparrows for their liking.

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