calling for -40 tomorrow


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 28, 2013
I'm in northern Indiana where we are getting 14-17 inches of snow by the time this storm is done, snowing like crazy now. Once the storm is over they are calling for ambient temps of -10 and with the wind chill could be -40. I have a very nice coop, it's non insulated....but....I put two bails of hay and broke them down to wafers and stuffed them between the 2x4 wall boards, and added about 15 inches on the floor. It looks a bit cave-like Got food in the coop, cracked corn, and water...hopefully my chickens can make it through the next couple of days. I am very concerend but I've done all I can.
hi, i am southern In. and just as worried as you are. i have the same setup - the straw or anything else to keep them warm. i have polish and silkies i am pretty worried about, not so much the cochins and nicely feathered birds.some of my birds stay in the run and some the coop because they dont get along all that well. i am going to make them all go in the coop tonight fighting or not. my run is roofed and i do have 2 bales of straw just sitting in there. question, how did you get the straw to stay up the walls? i think it is going to be so cold that there is not too much anybody can do. vasoline on the combs and maybe feet too for the frostbit, thinking about blankets hanging over the doors? i do know the smaller the space their in the warmer they can keep each other and you still have to have vents to get rid of the moisture.kinda wish i had an oil filled heater just on low. everyone says dont worry but trust, im plenty worried
I am worried sick.
I just took the hay and straw and kept them in 6 inch thick squars and shoved them inbetween the upright 2x4 boards, it's a tight fit so they stay put. Any place that didnt want to stay I just started stuffing it till it stayed, not ideal but very I put thick cardboard over the only window they have which is about 3'x3'. My roof overhangs the coop door, so I put a tarp nailed to the overhang to keep the 30 mph winds out the best I can and still allow ventilation. I've also food and water in there along with in the run, doubt they'll even go
Here a pics of my coop, then the inside of it after i put the straw in. The window is now covered with heavy cardboard. And the big door you see has a tarp over it on nails so I can remove it when I check on the 4000 times the next two It's a 6x8x4 but with the hay in there it's much smaller, there's 9 birds in there so the tight confines will be fine for two days and it will keep them warmer.

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well i think thats an awesome job. as long as they dont pull the straw down on themselves. but you said it was tight so it should be ok. since we talked i went outside and took a little space heater in there. i put it in a large wire cage so they cant get to it and i locked them all up. it has the tip over protection so i feel a bit better about it. i have another coop with my guineas in it with no protection at all
Very innovative Indianajeff! That and the deep straw you have in there should help quite a bit! Your window will help too, if you get a sunny day. On a sunny day, my coops stay a good 20+ degrees warmer than outside temps thanks to windows.

Hello Granny Hatchet, from an "almost" neighbor in Floyds Knobs!
Calling for ambient temps of -10 and with the wind chill could be -40.
"Had -40º windchill for about 5 days in Canada. My Golden Comets did fine. You and I have the basic same approach. My 7 younger girls gave me a egg a day. I have 17 girls in my 4x8 salvaged coop I plan to butcher off about 5 of the older ones this spring.

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Just checked the's not even Feels warm in the actually. Hopefully tonight i've made it comfotable enough they will be good to go.
Very innovative Indianajeff! That and the deep straw you have in there should help quite a bit! Your window will help too, if you get a sunny day. On a sunny day, my coops stay a good 20+ degrees warmer than outside temps thanks to windows.

Hello Granny Hatchet, from an "almost" neighbor in Floyds Knobs!
floyds knob, is that KY.? i dont get out much. lol

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