Came back to see if someone's had this problem...

I only have the single pair. I cull my gobbler - and then I have no gobbler... would have to go through all the expense and effort and waste another year to buy hatching eggs and raise them to adulthood. Don't wanna "do over".:(
Oh! And I don't think he can corner her to accidently kill her - the pasture they graze in is quite big, and she can get away if she wants.

Did you cull the tom?

If you did and want to find another look on Craigslist usually some on there.

Has there been any successful matings maybe he just needs more time if he's still around.
Mine are a year and a half old. My previous gobbler lived to 12 YO, and didn't have a problem till 10, when his hocks got arthritic. Had turks for over a decade, and NEVER saw one fumble sex repeatedly before! That's why I posted! To ask if there a way to help him or show him - HOW it works. Heck, he sees the chickens do it several times a day, and hasn't replicated the posture correctly yet! I THOUGHT once he made a proper connection - his light-bulb would go on... but no success so far.
Have looked, and NO ONE is near enough for a drive. No the gobbler remains - he may be the only one within 150 miles. He's not aggressive - just retardedly stuck on a problem. I was hoping someone had a trick to guide him correctly.
Wondering, because the hen will also squat for me... or the dogs :lol: ... has anyone ever built a stall-type device that a hen could squat in, but with rails that won't let him get on sideways... only the right way?
I only have the single pair. I cull my gobbler - and then I have no gobbler... would have to go through all the expense and effort and waste another year to buy hatching eggs and raise them to adulthood. Don't wanna "do over".

Oh! And I don't think he can corner her to accidently kill her - the pasture they graze in is quite big, and she can get away if she wants.

This is just my opinion and what I would do if faced with the same situation. Under no circumstances would I use that tom as a breeder. I understand your desires about not wanting to wait another year but it is unethical to use a tom like that for a breeder. You should not allow him to pass his genes along.

You are in Virginia and just because you don't know anyone else with turkeys does not change the fact that there are lots of other turkey owners in Virginia.

Among other things, you can post in a Virginia thread in the Where am I? Where are you! forum.

Talk to the owner/operator of your local feed store and get permission to post an ad. If it is a local and not a chain store the owner/operator will know who else has turkeys since he/she is selling them turkey feed.

Place an ad on your local craigslist.

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