

7 Years
Apr 29, 2012
Montgomery County, Ohio
I got home today from a weekend camping trip with the parents.

It was pretty nice out, until today when we woke up to rain.

It was an ok weekend. I love camping, but I just missed my animals that had to stay behind, plus my Boyfriend.

We went fishing, both daytime and night time, creeking, hiking, made some of the best s'mores, and had a good time. Our vehicle did die, but we got a jump from a guy who knows my family on my Dad's side.

There was a bird festival going on and it had a bunch of bird watchers there.
They were fascinated with what I think was a mixed breed goose.
It was really fun to watch the bird watchers watch the birds. I also enjoyed my new found passion for goose/duck watching

Any one else went camping this weekend? Or does anyone want to share their camping trips?
Well I have to admit I haven't been camping in a while, but I definately miss it. However, the camping trips that I have been on with my parents never went smoothly. Maybe we should have taken that as a sign to not go back since nothing ever went right..Hah! But as I have gotten older I have learned to appreciate those memories, even if they aren't "picture perfect" to some.
I LOVE camping. We have air mattresses, sleeping bags, a cook stove, all the stuff you would ever need. And no, nothing ever goes perfectly. We have learned to bring a level with us now. And to bring our own firewood. Also, we buy MRE's at the Army-Navy store for a just-in-case predicament. ALWAYS bring TP, paper towels, extra clothing, cold weather and hot weather clothing and way more than enough water.

Then you know what happens? We run out of gas for the boat
We are Civil War reenactors and we do camp when we can! Primitive camping isn't for everyone but we like to cheat too! Air mattress, yep make sure you have batteries in those pumps! I agree with Debra, all those things ARE necessary but we don't like MRE's becaause one time we ate it, it was nasty and bland LOL! Maybe today they made it better!
Yup, we try to bring everything! It still can be fun even if something goes wrong. It's just all in how you take it. I look back at that weekend and laugh, it was a lot of fun.
I will be taking another camping trip next month as well. My Mom wants us to get in a few practice camping trips to see what stillworks, what we will need, whatwe need to replace etc. In July, we will be taking a 2 week camping vacaton out west to the Badlands, Moutains in Wyoming (I forget the name, not the Big Horn or Tetons though. Closer to Cheyenne.) and into Colorado. We did this a few years back, but want to do it again.
We are Civil War reenactors and we do camp when we can! Primitive camping isn't for everyone but we like to cheat too! Air mattress, yep make sure you have batteries in those pumps! I agree with Debra, all those things ARE necessary but we don't like MRE's becaause one time we ate it, it was nasty and bland LOL! Maybe today they made it better!
Very cool! I'd love to hear more about that!!!
We camp a little differently in our family...

I grew up camping and I LOVE it!! My husband camped some growing up and remembered loving it.

Turns out - he loves the MEMORY of camping. He was a real pill to camp with. He needs a good solid 8 hours of comfortable sleep every night to be fit for human consumption!

Our solution is a 32' RV/trailer. We BOTH love it!!!! We go about twice per month!

My family and I camp all summer. Always have. We started in a tent, then about 8 years ago bought a popup camper, and last year we went full throttle and bought a full sized travel trailer-30 feet, bunk beds, the works. I love it, it's fun, but it's just not the same camping if you take your home with you! We don't take any vacations other than this, so this way-we take the dogs, and I don't have to worry.

We spend most of our camping excursions at the beach, I love it! Memorial day weekend we go upstate to East Durham for the Irish festival. In the camper we can camp right on the grounds of the fair, and the kids love it, we love it, even the dogs love it.

I love camping. Love.
I've always been tent camping, and plan to tent camp until I get older. My parents have tent camped all their life, now that they are in their mid-50s they're looking into trailers. They feel it would be easier on them and they would really enjoy traveling that way.

I will probably be just like them. Tent camp to a certain point, then break down and get a trailer.
We started out with tents moved up to a van, then a van with roof ac,. Now we have a 34 ft Bounder RV. I guess as we get older we want to make it easier for us to camp.

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