Can a bird molt before she even starts laying?


7 Years
Mar 1, 2012
Washougal, WA
So I have a RIR pullet that is 32 weeks old and has not laid a single egg yet. While I was out sitting with the girls today I noticed that it looks likke she's molting already because a few of her tail feathers are missing and she's looking a bit scraggly. I watched for quite a while to see if she's being picked on, but it doens't appear that she's getting bullied. So can she be molting at 6 months old without ever laying an egg yet? At this rate she better lay all winter long LOL.
Wasn't me. I didn't have time to go to any fairs this summer
I'm actually going to my first poultry swap at the end of the month in Corvallis, Oregon and I am EXCITED!!!
I was wondering the same thing, my RIR is 23 weeks and isn't laying and has lost her black tail feathers. I read on a thread that they can have a juvenile molt. I think this is bad timing for hens to come into point of lay with seasons changing. You'd really think a RIR would be laying but 3o something weeks though. It must be a juvenile molt as that can take up to a few months I believe. Extra protein helps them grow feathers back so they can lay sooner. Good luck!
35 weeks old and still NO EGGS!!! Although I think she may FINALLY be getting close as her comb reddened recently...still no squatting and you can tell by the vent she's not laying yet. I really thought the RIR would have been one of the first layers, but she is the very last LOL.

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