Can a chick be narcoleptic?


7 Years
Aug 8, 2013
I have this buff chick that falls asleep out of no where. It'll fall sleep in the middle of drinking, eating, scratching in the grass, even fighting when being picked up. It doesn't fall over asleep just can't seem to stay awake. Lol All other activities are perfectly normal. Any thoughts?
Thank you! I gave it sweet water. We'll see how she is tomorrow. Great suggestion!!
I'll keep you posted. She eats, drinks, scratches, eats green stuff outside, and sleeps... A lot. :) she's about the same age as yours. What kind do you have?
I tried to feed her some scrambled egg and she fell asleep. She was in my hand. She eats her food regularly and drinks her water. It has ACV in it. I'm going to pick up some meds tomorrow and treat her for the coccidiosis just in case.
I'll try the honey tomorrow. I have some save a chick packs of electrolytes and probiotics I can give as well.

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