Can a chicken bleed when laying an egg?


10 Years
May 3, 2010
Southern NH
2 days ago when i went into the coop, there was blood on the wall near the top roost. I checked all the chickens and there was no sign of blood on any of them. None anywhere else in the coop either. Yesterday my daughter collected the eggs, there was blood on one of the eggs. I washed it off and put it in the fridge. But im curious if anyone has ever had a chicken bleed when first starting to lay? I have one that just started this week, my chickens are Banties too.
There's your answer-"ouch." The blood on the wall was probably from a pecked comb. In this cold weather, a small nick and a head shake can create noticeable spatter.
Yes, with new layers or an extra large egg - I sometimes get a bit of blood on the egg shell.

Makes me feel bad for the girls

Blood on the wall - I would guess that someone pecked somebody's comb and it bled a bit. When they shake their heads the blood will splatter. Sometimes you never see a scab on the comb or wattles - sometimes you do.
I think the eggs are decent sized for Banties. They would be considered small at the store, but for the size of my girls, ouch!!!!
Yes, they can sometimes bleed a little. I had it happen last week with one of my hens. It happened two days in a row and then no blood after that.

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