Can a coop be "too big?"

No! We are going BIG! 24X30 this time. I've already outgrown the Playhouse Coop and the Hen Hilton.

Well I have pretty much decided on 10X24 as a final size. I was finally able to get out Saturday, so I cut down some trees where the coop will go. It will face due South and I changed my mind on the roof. I was going to go with an A-Frame roof, but have since decided on a shed style roof. The front wall will be 8' tall and the back wall 6'. I will use 10X16 as the coop with the remaining 10X8 as feed storage/brooder area/rabbit cages in the winter. Initially, I was going to build nest boxes on the outside of the coop. Now I am not sure. I won't be able to put then on the back wall due to the windows on the front side. It may be hard to keep them dark. I was going to put them on the front side under the windows. But now, I am pretty sure that I want to come straight off the front of the coop with a 24X20 or 24X24 fenced in run. I don't want to have to go into the run to get the eggs, so I will either leave them in the coop, or maybe build them where they hang out into the storage area. Still some time to think about nest boxes though. The coop on the other hand needs to move along. I am amazed at how fast chickens grow.

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