Can a duck live with chickens in a chicken coop?

Do you mean just hardware cloth on the top with the contained sitting in the middle of it? So the water just falls through?

Oops, yes this is what I meant. I did try cutting a hole in the middle and setting the bowl down in that but got annoying to clean.

As far as ducks trying to mate with chickens is concerned it hasn't been an issue for me ever. Other than some laughs when I let call ducks live with Langshans and the call ducks tried to mate with the really defied description.
Can a duck walk up a ramp into the coop at night? I thought I read somewhere that they don't like to.
They will more times than not have to be caught and put in the enclosure. Ducks don't always have to be put in the coop as long as long as the run or pen or whatever you keep them in is strong and has a good covering on the roof.
They will more times than not have to be caught and put in the enclosure. Ducks don't always have to be put in the coop as long as long as the run or pen or whatever you keep them in is strong and has a good covering on the roof.


okay but don't I have to lock the chicken in the coop evwrynight. I couldn't just leave the door open to the coop.all night?
Yes I raised 3 ducklings with my chicks as one big flock- they all went into the big coop at night and out the next day-- I have a big fenced in yard off the coop where they all are outside and a kiddie pool full of water for ducks-- they are more messy than chickens and enjoy nibbling chicken feathers from tie to time, but mine got along great. When the weather was hot I even had a few of the hens cooling their ankles in the ducks kiddie pool-- they lived with me for a couple years and then I retired them to a large farm with a real pond.. I would do it again but recommend getting a breed of duck not so dependent on water and not as large as a Peking-- maybe Kahki Campbell or smaller variety.. I had magpies-- they ended up being 3 drakes!

This was setup in beginning-- our big coop had big door we kept open during day but shut at night-- we still left little chicken door open at night for the birds.. Our entire coop area is fenced in though.. So random animals can't just go in to the coop!!

Little chicken door with ramp-- ducks can use this perfectly fine if not too steep-- while they were young for several months though we would lock everyone in coop at night and let out in the morn until they got it!
We have four ducks ... an older pair and two of their kids (male & female). The older two stay in the run most of the day because the drake will mate with any hen that gets out of the chicken run, but the younger two free-range all day. In the late afternoons I put the hens in the run so they can get into the coop to roost, then I let the older two ducks free-range. They will come and go from the run area to bathe, and always wander back to the run area after dark, but stay just outside if it is fully dark. They don't seem to put themselves to bed like chickens do ... they like me to come and tell them "Time to go to bed." Then they waddle and quack back into the run. They are super easy to herd if you have a long pole. I close the door and let them play in their pool for a few minutes. I count the chickens and stuff while they play, then I put them in their secure pen for the night on my way back to the house. I will be building them a better habitat with a big run and secure access to the pool all night soon. I need more ducks ... females ... because there is some sporadic competition between the drakes. For now, this works okay but means I don't get out much in the evenings.

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