Can a Hen change the Egg color?


8 Years
Jul 12, 2011
Watkins Glen
My Hens, just under 1 yr old, have slowed down the egg process for winter. No biggie. But when I went out to the coop 4 days ago I found an odd egg. It was Pure White.

Let me explain. I have 8 Girls, 2 Barred rock- Rhode Island Red cross, 3 Tetra Tints, 1 Amerucauna, 1 Silkie and 1 Khaki Cambell Duck (and of course, puck my BR-RIR Roo and Brittany my Drake).

Before winter I was getting:
LG White Duck egg from Duck
2 MD Tan eggs from BR-RIR
1 sm BLU Egg from Ameracuana
1 sm Tan/ creamy Egg from Silkie
2 LG Brown eggs from TT
and recentally a tanish-brownish speckled egg I assumed was from the 3rd TT

So... WHO the HECK laid the White egg?!?

Unless Puck felt out of place from the girls, I didn't think the eggs could change color.
I have 3 of these white eggs now, the second one had a pinkish tint.

As far as I know, no one is playing tricks on me. So my question is, can eggs change color after stop laying for a while?

If I can't find out whose laying, I am going to put up a spy camera one day. But this completely threw me off! It was pure white! :hmm
their egg color can't change, it can get paler over the laying cycle though. maybe one of them wasn't laying until now.
This just happened to me today! I have 3 Buff Orps (lg brown/pink egg), one Phoenix (med white egg), 4 silkies, and 2 Bantam Cochins (sm tan egg) and 2 silkie roosters. To these ive added a silkie/Orpington cross (so cute)(sm brown egg) and an EE I hatched from one of my sisters blue eggs. I'm pretty familiar with who lays what so when a sm/med long brown egg appeared I knew it was the EE. She even gave me a double yolker !!

SO...... Imagine my surpise this am when I went to get the eggs and there is a small blue-green egg!!! It's where the EE lays, so I guess it's her! What the what!!!! :p Is such a thing even possible??!?

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