Can a Rex rabbit mate with a wild Cottontail?

Wow, I never knew any of this!
no medical attention needed, she would absorb them. There is a chance she was bred by another loose domestic I guess too. She would have bare mammaries is she had a litter somewhere.

Before we moved one of my terribly wild english spot rabbits escaped her pen, never able to catch her. This was two years ago. My boyfriend still works in the city as a policeman, and he regularly sees this rabbit still, and she has taken up a cottontail mate and is loving her life. I bet she has been pregnant alot but nothing ever comes of it.
Yes, doe rabbits can be grumpy alright. I have a junior French Angora doe right now who is handlable but I just tell she's going to be a brat when she is mature.
I have a Mini Rex doe who lunges at you and growls but doesn't bite, she's all talk.
Bucks do make better pets for sure!

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