Can an adult female Ringneck Pheasant be tamed to perch on my arm like a pet chicken?

You might be able to but it's a horrible idea.
Pheasants can't be around chickens, can't be kept like chickens, can't be fed like chickens, can't be 'free ranged' like chickens, they are basicly the top experience tier in poultry husbandry
You might be able to but it's a horrible idea.
Pheasants can't be around chickens, can't be kept like chickens, can't be fed like chickens, can't be 'free ranged' like chickens, they are basicly the top experience tier in poultry husbandry

Is it possible to tame the pheasant with mealworms and putting it on my lap and petting it while watching TV?
No, pheasants aren't domestic poultry, they're gamebirds, just one or two steps from wild. They also smell.
The breeder on Craigslist said his female red golden pheasants are more tame than ringnecks. Is he telling the truth?
The breeder on Craigslist said his female red golden pheasants are more tame than ringnecks. Is he telling the truth?
I think he's full of it but I'm not sure.
Pheasants can be tamed a little, like not panicking when they see you or eati.g from your hand but not to be lap pets.
Poultry in general are lousy indoor pets, not only because it's unhealthy both physically and mentally for the chicken but being in close quarters with one can give you respitory illnesses and one more rare but not unheard of one that's similar to a stroke.
Thanks for the tag @nuthatched ,
You would have a better chance of trying to tame one from a will still be a 'hit or miss' situation. Golden pheasants in my experience 'tend' to be a little calmer than any of the True pheasants but I've had some pretty wild Goldens, too! :D

In my experience with both species, if the parent stock is somewhat tame so will the offspring be and each successive generation be equally tame but there may be exceptions to that statement, some won't tame at all no matter what you try or how much they are handled.

You'll see an occasional video on you-tube, showing a Golden pheasant that is extremely tame, will walk up on the owners hand, arm, shoulder but that is a very rare event.
Most of my Goldens will eat out of my hand and if I sit down in their pen, will come over and walk all over may legs but almost all of my True pheasants will not even get close to me, they go bat guano crazy just walking past them on the outside of their pen. A few will tolerate my presence but are still wary and keep their distance.
The breeder on Craigslist said his female red golden pheasants are more tame than ringnecks. Is he telling the truth?
Red Goldens are friendlier than ringneck in general and if you spent enough time with one, it would be friendly however, there’s a much greater risk of “losing” your bird than gaining a house pet

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