can any1 tell me what kind of chickens i have???

i thought easter egger was just another term for arecauna or easter egger a actual breed or just a mixed chicken that lays blue/green eggs?
they have arecaunas to sell? im looking for 3 more hens...i've been going to the flea market in prairieville to buy my chickens...
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HINKJC has the real deal, just search for her and visit her webpage.

Ameraucanas are a real breed, Easter Eggers basically conform to the Ameraucana standard except for their assorted colors (very rarely do you get one that conforms to a color standard), and the fact that they sometimes lay brown eggs. But size wise, and body type, they are very close (depending on your source).

Even some "pure" strains of Ameraucanas lay a green egg, especially those that are still in developement. Not all Ameraucanas, or even Araucanas for that matter, lay blue eggs. Some are blue, some blue-green, and some green.
hinkjc....does not ship least I don't believe...If you want to drive down this way ever I have some bantam cochin pullets that I'm wanting to sell.
Hmmm....wonder how far I am from prairieville? I know your about 2 hours from me maybe a bit less

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