Can anyone give me a home?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 8, 2009
So my grandmother, who lives a little further out into the country, found this really pretty (bengal looking) 6mo. old-ish kitten a couple years and took it in- only she was afraid to introduce her in with her other two cats so all this time shes been keeping her in a bedroom and spending time with her individually. I went up to see her recently though and I could tell that it was becoming increasingly stressful on her having to take care of two separate sets of cats so I decided to bring her home with me. I am a grad student and have 3 siamese at my place but they were not having any of it. So- then I took her to my parents house where she is now, they have four cats, but I have been slowly trying to mingle her in with the others but I don't think it will ever work. She has never been around any other cats and gets defensive around them. She is a wonderful lap cat though and has the sweetest disposition. She just loves to be in the company of humans and only humans!
Also shes and excellent mouser- I've seen her in action! I can't find anyone without other cats..
I live in middle TN but I would be willing to drive her somewhere to a good home. She would be great for anyone who doesn't have any other cats... she really a gorgeous cat and she also likes big dogs a lot too, because she apparently spent a considerable amout of time with my grandmothers golden retriever. I will see if i can figure out how to get a pic posted. Anyway I was just wondering if anybody out there knows anyone that might enyoy her company, I would be forever grateful!!!
LOL! I uploaded the pic but I can't figure out how to post it....Img means image right/...I'm thinking I might need to like dance around 3 times and click my heels together
or is there an easier way?
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Ohhh! Duh! I figured it out.... Anyway shes about 2 1/2 yrs old, been spayed, and has had all her shots. She super duper sweet and loves to just sit with you for as long as you'll stay. I just feel so bad for her...shes such a great cat and deserves more then to have to just stay in one bedroom because the others are adamantly not willing to let her join in any of their reindeer games:(
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Come fall you might try posting a flyer on campus. You could also try Craigslist.
She sure is pretty. I already have three or I'd be tempted! Mine wouldn't let her play reindeer games either, but they're stinky ol' boys...

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