Can anyone help with the sexing of these 6 week deathlayers?


May 25, 2021
We got 6 hatching eggs. 3 hatched the gold color and 3 hatched lemon. I am not sure the feather color is coming out sex linked but can anyone tell from comb and wattles what these are? I am suspecting that gold #2 is a female. Thanks! They all seem to be quite bold and independent. A few of them stared down my adult chickens yesterday.


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1 and 3 look like cockerels to me. 2 and 4 look like pullets at this point, and I'm on the fence with 5 and 6, but slightly more inclined to cockerels.
1 and 3 look like cockerels to me. 2 and 4 look like pullets at this point, and I'm on the fence with 5 and 6, but slightly more inclined to cockerels.
That's about what I was thinking.

I suggest posting new pictures in a week or two, because male/female differences can change very quickly at this age. A bit more time will often make it very clear. (Of course there are always a few that keep everyone guessing for months, but most chicks do not do that.)
Thank you for your thoughts and time. I was also thinking pictures 2 and 4. However I think all of the lemon ones crowed yesterday morning. I am hoping I mixed one up because I would like one of the lemons to be a hen. I'll keep you posted.

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