Can anyone let me know what breed of chicken this is Please! :)


5 Years
Jun 6, 2016
North Central Minnesota
No one on this small farm seems to know what breed these are because they received them as an unknown assortment. But if they lay the colored eggs then I would like them so I was hoping someone here can let me know what breed of chicken this is before I purchase them & add them to my flock Please! :) Thank you in advance for your suggestions & help. :)

Top pic is a Partridge Cochin cockerel "no eggs". Bottom pic is a Silver Gray Dorking pullet "white eggs".
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She does have 5 toes, you can clearly see it in the pictures. Also the color matches perfectly.
Agree on the breeds. You can see the five toes on the right foot of the Dorking. I'm not sure they're fantastic layers, so if egg production is high on your list you may want to skip her and look for a more production oriented breed. And definitely skip the first guy, no eggs from him ever.

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