can anyone put a breed to my chickens please

I have three thoughts on this;
-1- it's still too early to tell
-2- many people post identification questions and the birds cannot be accurately identified, or may be complete mutts. Black and White (much to our disadvantage) happen to be the two most commonly occuring colors in chicken breeds. And they are dominant genes.
-3- this string will get moved because there's a forum for this kind of problem.
One thing's definite -- the one on the left is a cockerel.

As far as breed goes, it's still a bit too early. However, a few questions could narrow the possibilities down.
Where did you get them?
Do you know if they are large fowl or bantams?
What kind of comb does the white one have? Rose, pea, single? In the picture it's legs look greenish -- are they really, or is that just the picture?
The white appears to have a pea comb and green could be a white EE (or maybe Ameraucana, but unlikely unless you got from a breeder).

The black one looks like a young cockeral and could be Black Australorp, Orpington, Jersey Giant, etc., etc., any breed that has a single comb and comes in black, or a black mutt. If you got these from a feed store, I'd put my $$ on BA.
They came from a breeder in the uk.
white one has greeny legs and doesnt really have a comb as yet.
Black one has rounded neck feathers thought neck feathers had to be pointed to be a cockerel. I could be wrong though.
They came from a breeder in the uk.
white one has greeny legs and doesnt really have a comb as yet.
Black one has rounded neck feathers thought neck feathers had to be pointed to be a cockerel. I could be wrong though.

They don't grow the pointy neck feathers until they're several months old. He looks like a boy to me, too, but it is hard to tell for sure at that age... I would say with that comb and wattle development at that young age = 98% chance he is a roo. ;)
the black one someone said might be a silver sussex? what do you think? -
White chicken just seems to be wrong size and shape to fit at being any breed........aww poor thing
I hope they are both females as they are inseperable and cant have a cockeral because of the neighbours!! Better get thinking cap on incase

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