Can anyone say what predator attacked this bird?? *Picture attached, graphic*


Sep 9, 2020
Hi everyone,
This morning, a couple meters away from the chicken coop, I saw a pigeon/dove that had its insides completely scooped out... It was very sad to see. I've never seen a bird attacked like this in my backyard before. We have feral cats, raccoons, skunks, and possums in the area (with the occasional hawk), but I don't know which of them could have done something like this. The feral cats in our backyard are pretty tame and we feed them kibble, and they've never seemed to have expressed interest in the chickens, or any birds, before. I would appreciate advice on what kind of predator could have done this so I can keep an eye out to keep the chickens safe. Thank you to all responders!


  • 20220415_073508.jpg
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Bit late but I’d guess hawk. I’ve had chickens killed by hawks before and what they do is that they make a hole and eat the inside of the bird. Although when my chickens are killed by hawks they don’t have heads and they are eaten on the inside where the head would be

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