Can anyone tel me what breed this chick is


In the Brooder
Jun 14, 2015

I took my children,nieces, and nephews chick shopping with me.. Which was hectic! And my nephew picked out this chick but I didn't see what breed it was. It's super cute and very mellow compared to our other breeds. Anyone know what it is?
No I have one black Australorp that is black and yellow. Two Easter eggs the feed place had them listed as ameraucanas but after researching know they arnt. 3 buff orpingtons and a Rhode Island Red. And this little one I have no idea who he is. He wasn't in the same brooder with the Australorp. So I didn't think she was one but who knows lol
Could be an Australorp, but I'm thinking it is showing more of a blue color.

Did they have any Marans? or Andaulusians?

Seeing the chick in full profile would help.

Not a SLW as it is a single comb.

Lol ok. I'll go with it! First time raising chicks.. And it has the same layed back temperament as my other one they must of had to seperate brooders with australorp!

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