Can anyone tell me if this is a duckling or gosling....and what type

Does anyone know how I can get a positive ID on it? I was hoping it was a toulouse gosling.....but it is so hard to tell. We would like to have it as a pet if it is not a protected bird. Also, does anyone know how the law works. If we do not clip its wings or stop it from flying off the it considered "keeping" it? If we just raise it and let it come and go as it please does that constitute needing a permit?
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The down coloring can vary, but the beak is very distinct, just like a toulouse and african beak. You may be able to get permission to keep the gosling, but ideally should have another gosling buddy. This is an african gosling. Note how straight the side of beak is and how the top goes higher and shape in a point, with space for the knob to grow.
2nd gosling.JPG

This is a toulouse gosling. Again, the sides of beak are straight, but the top is flat across, as opposed to an african.
grey dewlap first 2.jpg

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