Can anyone tell me if this is normal feather loss for an Indian Runner


In the Brooder
Sep 13, 2015

Is this normal? She is the only one looking like this. When I picked her up, other feathers fell out. What do I need to do? She is about 3 years old, live in Texas and it has been very hot. I think it is done raining for the summer. I have one drake her age and 4 other hens that are about 1 year old. Then there are 5 that are 3 months old not sure what sex they are yet. They have a pond in the coop yard and lots of shade. Plenty of water and I have one water bowl with apple cider vinegar, they get chicken layer pellets, grit and oyster shell. I clean water bowls twice a day. Is this molting? Never seen it quite like this. Thanks for any help.

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