Can anyone tell me the breed of this pullet????

Well, she's really pretty!
Some thoughts: my Cream Legbar crosses have retained the full Cream Legbar coloring, but take after the other parent more for body shape. YMMV, of course, and absolutely I am not a genetics expert at all.

Here is a Cream Legbar/Easter Egger cross (note the puffy cheeks and beard from the EE, and the somewhat reduced crest from the CL. Her general color pattern looks very CL to me, keeping in mind that my CLs are not properly cream.

edited to add:
Cheery (pictured) is the same size as my Easter Eggers, both bigger and full-bodied than my Cream Legbars -- which admittedly are not superior examples of the breed, being fairly small.
Which hatchery did you get her from? Usually hatcheries don't have crosses, but I guess it could happen! She is deffinetly not a pure breed of anything. I agree that she looks to be a Welsummer crossed with Easter Egger. She is very pretty!
So, ironically, I was about to say that she was not laying yet and then low and behold yesterday....she laid a blue/green egg. So I guess that makes her some kind of olive egger cross? LOL
So, ironically, I was about to say that she was not laying yet and then low and behold yesterday....she laid a blue/green egg. So I guess that makes her some kind of olive egger cross? LOL
Ha!! Those greenish legs...hard to say what cross she is.
Those white earlobes make me think CCL, cause why would they use a leghorn?
Not sure if white earlobes are dominant,
will tell you next year when I cross Marans over CCL.
I'd maybe send a pic of bird to hatchery where you get the eggs and ask what the mystery cross might be.
Chatty sometimes a good smack will knock the goofiness out of a computer. If that doesn't work I have to have my son fix it.

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