Can anyone tell me what breed this hen is?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 10, 2014
When I bought her as chick I was told it was a BO but aren't they more of a yellow color? Or are some more orange like her?
Looks like a production red to me. Mine were sold to me as RI Reds so you're in good company! They're good layers.
She's a generic hatchery Red bird. If anything, she'd probably be called a New Hampshire, due to the dark ticking in the neck and the darker tail, plus the lighter overall color.
Thanks for your help! And wow yes after looking up pictures of those that's definitely what she is! She's a good girl though and lays nice eggs so I don't mind at all :) haha I bought 3 "Buff Orpingtons" and only one turned out to actually be one

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