Can anyone tell me what this little cutie is


6 Years
5 Years
Jan 23, 2014

We purchased these from the assorted bantam bin from T S C they are light grey in color
A few questions...
Are the legs fluffy, or have feathers?
How many toes does it have?
Is there a poof on its head?
What color are the feet?
What type of comb does it have (pea, single, etc?)

If you answer these, it will be easy to identify it. Thank you.
No on the legs 4 toes no poof grey feet single comb they are just the cuties
Aw ok thank you they are so cute I have 2 of them by chance would you guess on the gender this is our first time with bantams And I have a lot of questions can I put them with the rest of my chickens or are they to small and I need to make a separate area for them
It's probably too early to guess gender with this one. It depends on how docile your standard size chickens are. We've always kept our Bantams separate from standards.
ok Thank you I will have my hubby get that going they will still be inside with me for a while

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