Can anyone tell me what type and sex chick this is?


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 11, 2012
Can anyone tell me what type and sex chick this is? My husband and I went to a farm to buy some silkies and the lady insisted we take this white baby as well. Now I'm starting to think it maybe a rooster. (We have all hens as far as I know, but please tell me if you see otherwise as I am a novice:)) Also, our poor tan silkie has a crossed beak and although seems happy and energetic, she is not nearly growing as fast as her other silkie partners that are the same age. They are all 4 weeks old. Any help would be great. Thank you.
Thank you all for your information. That farm lady must have known.. Grrr... Is there any suggestions on keeping him seperated without neglecting him? He would be the only one of that type I have? Should I get a female companion and keep them together?
Thanks again.
Could you see our 10 week old chicks also? Now I am paranoid, haha
I dont think that its %100 a roo... Does she stand in that posture alot? its definitly a leghorn (I have one and theres similarity's)
the white one is DEFINATELY a cornish x rock. My uncle had one day old ones and he let me pick some out. IT LOOKS EXACTLY THE SAME.

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