Can baby turkeys eat chicken starter?


8 Years
Jan 16, 2012
Is it okay to feed chicken starter to baby turkeys? If not, what should baby turkeys be eating?

Also, can a couple of baby turkeys be kept in the same brooder with chickens?
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Baby turkeys (poults) need a higher protein feed like game bird starter. While they can be kept with chicks, it really isn't the best idea because the protein that poults need is higher than chicken chicks should have.
For a couple of days regular chick starter won't hurt poults, but they really do need more protein than chicks do.

I recommend feeding at least 24% protein to poults and 28-30% is optimal. I've raised chicks with poults on 28% starter and they did fine. By about eight to twelve weeks I've usually separated them which is when I moved the chickens to a lower protein feed. Keeping them on really high protein all the way to point of lay is asking for problems, but it won't hurt them for the first couple of months.
It is interesting that what seems like a small percentage difference in protein makes the difference whether the feed is good or bad for chickens and turkeys.

I have read here on the board about people feeding high protein feed to chickens and having health problems result.

I was asking because my father ordered the Cackle Hatchery surprise that should arrive today or tomorrow. I have learned that this surprise includes a mix of chickens, but can also include ducks, geese, and turkeys. Someone mentioned that it may be too early in the year for the hatchery to send out any turkeys.

We will see what arrives.
i feed my three month old turkey chicken feed, she seems fine, but now that i know she needs higher protein i'll consider a different feed or give her boiled eggs regularly.
Baby turkeys (poults) need a higher protein feed like game bird starter. While they can be kept with chicks, it really isn't the best idea because the protein that poults need is higher than chicken chicks should have.

I agree. We feed DuMOR Chick Starter (24% Protein) to our poults and then switch to Purina Flock Raiser when they are old enough.

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