can chickens and ducks live together in coop for a while?


12 Years
Apr 21, 2007
Kellyville Oklahoma
i have well i am down to 6 chickens outside and 2 babys inside......i have ducks that all i know is they are babies no age lol do u think when they get a lil older i can put them in the coop with the chickens till they get bigger?

would a chicken drown if he got in the ducks pool?

any thoughts or ideas on this?
I bet the chickens would kill them if they are babies. I have been told by many not to put them together unless they are old enough to stand up for themselves and then to watch and make sure they don't fight too bad.
I ordered some Muscovies, and I plan to keep them in a small brooder inside the chicken pen, hoping they will get used to each other as they grow. Then I will try to turn them out when they get big enough I feel comfortable.
I am new to raising poultry, so I don't know for sure either.
My ducks and chickens share a coop. Te chickens were here first, then last fall I got Ducklings. I kept the ducklings once old enough in a sectioned off part of the coop for a few days, so the chickens could get used to them, then I released teh duckling in the coop, and they have all been fine ever since. I have a batch of Ducklings in the coop right now, and everyone gets along. I have never had a problem, not a single peck.

I have 3 ducks pools around the property, and never had any problems with chickens getting in them. I have had chickens drink from them, but they are pretty smart! Do Not underestimate your chickens.

As far as I am concerned with my own experiances, chickens and ducks get along just great! I even have one duck right now that thinks she is a chicken, and follows my roo around all day!
lmao is that what u would call a chickenduck? lol thanks for sharing i think i will build them a lil pen inside the coop this weekend ...

since u have ducks when can they be put out in coop??
I put mine out around 5-6 weeks. They seem to do fine. the first week I leave a heat lamp out in the coop, just in case they get cold, but gradually I wean them off of this.
That is what she is doing. I got her, and 5 others as day olds, last august. Just 3 weeks ago, I lost the other 5 to My neighbors dog, who got lose one day. so Now since she is all alone, she hasnt been in the pool, and she hangs out with the chickens all day and tries to show her wares off to my Pheonix roo. I am hoping, now that my Ducklings have moved into the coop, she will revert back to a duck again.
awww poor baby!! i lost 4 chickens last week to neighbors pitt bull pup
they leave him loose all the time if i had a gun hed already be dead! i lost a german spitzhaubner a pink easter chick a big black one and a big yellow one {my 2 yr old sons chicken}
Yeah it sucks when someone s dogs get your birds. Thankfully the neighbors dog has now gone to live with their mother in law. so hopefully no more probs. I also lost my Silver laced Wyandotte hen, and one of my Ancona hens.

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