can chickens drink gatorade?

oh, thanks!
That would probably be a better choice as I don't think it contains sugar....which may cause runny poo.....but I don't think a little bit of gatorade at times should cause a problem. I have given 1/2 strength gatorade to somewhat dehydrated dogs for a day and even though they drank quite a bit (and are large breeds which could have been an environmental disaster if they get the runs
) they did fine with it......
I was told to give my chickens a little bit of Gatorade when they were attacked by a dog. It helps them when they are shocked because it has electrolytes in it.

So yes, they can drink Gatorade
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Yep gatorade or electrolytes both work. I just thought that I would point out that something with sugar (gatorade or sugar water) goes into effect much faster that electrolytes so in case of emergency it is good that the bird get both if at all possible.

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