Can chickens eat blueberries whole?!


Feb 21, 2023
Quick question can chickens eat blueberries whole? I always chop them up and am a little tired of it if it needs to be chopped I'll do it but can they eat them whole blueberry?
They can definitely eat blueberries whole. I have had them eating that many times.
I've seen one even eat a small frog whole before. Not that I wanted them to eat it (It can carry diseases) but it was too late by the time I got out there.
(This is with mature chickens, though. I have never tried chicks yet.)
They have no problem. I get the sorted berries from my inlaws and sling them over the ground, the birds go crazy. Wild birds gobble them right off the bush with no problem.
Yes, they can have blackberries. I've found a plum pit in the gizzard of birds I've butchered. The plum tree is in the run and they get what falls. I've seen a hen stand under a grape vine and jump up to pick whole grapes off.

I understand your concern and I consider it a good question since you did not know. You would not want your chickens to get hurt because you were afraid to ask a question. But you don't have to worry about them eating those berries. There is nothing in them that will hurt your chickens.
Yes, they can have blackberries. I've found a plum pit in the gizzard of birds I've butchered. The plum tree is in the run and they get what falls. I've seen a hen stand under a grape vine and jump up to pick whole grapes off.

I understand your concern and I consider it a good question since you did not know. You would not want your chickens to get hurt because you were afraid to ask a question. But you don't have to worry about them eating those berries. There is nothing in them that will hurt your chickens.
Thank you!
Yes, they can eat blueberries whole. If you ever watch a chicken eat something larger like a toad or a mouse, they will rip off hunks of it or if it's possible, swallow it whole. They don't chew their food, just swallow it whole.
And yes, blackberries are fine.
Our chickens help themselves to our blueberries and blackberries. -eat the blueberries whole, and the blackberries in about three bites!

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