Can Chickens eat canned Vegetables?


Apr 23, 2016
Idaho Falls, Idaho
I have a bunch of canned black eyed peas that was given to me, I don't eat them and was wondering can I feed them to my chickens? I also would like to know about any other canned vegetables.
Yes. The only thing to worry about might be the added salt. Since it is only a occasional thing I wouldn't worry about that. That goes for most other canned foods.
I have a bunch of canned  black eyed peas that was given to me, I don't eat them and was wondering can I feed them to my chickens? I also would like to know about any other canned vegetables.

Absolutely, they can eat it. They will love it and they will come running when they see you come out into the yard.

Mine today had some baby carrots (used a food processor), cooked tater, rice , and pick chop. Oddly enough, they all fought for the pork chop first and rice last. I figured it would be the other way lol
The only thing to worry about might be the added salt. 

People worry to much about the salt, it's an essential nutrient that they need and for it to do any real harm it has to be taken in copious amounts every day, amounts that are highly unlikely in any food that is palatable... The salt in canned vegetables is likely no worse then chickens in coastal areas scratching around the salt saturated soil at then end of the day...

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