Can chickens get heat stroke? I'm afraid my hen isn't going to make it. :(

My chicken is cuter

13 Years
Jan 6, 2009
Houston, TX
One of my hens is sick. I don't know if she got heat stroke, or if she's just sick, but I brought here in and put her in front of a fan. What else should I do? She was laying in the nesting box earlier. None of my other ones are acting strange, but she won't get up. She had access to water. Any advice y'all may have would be greatly appreciated.
mine do that also breath real hard because it is hot in the south right now, i started to put ice cubes in their water so it stays cool and i wet the floor of the coop in the afternoon, they seem to enjoy a little dampness
I don't imagine it could hurt to wet her down a little - that's what you do for a dog or a cat that's suffering a heat related emergency.
Okay, I gave her a short bath, and she seems to be doing a little better. I'm just surprised none of my chickens have overheated before. Houston's heat and humidity is brutal. It was 103 yesterday, and it's 97 right now, with 64% humidity. Thanks everyone.
Check out this thread. It's just one of many - there's been a lot of heat stress discussion the past week or so.

There's lots of little things you can do to help you birds through the really hot days. I've just recently moved my girls from the brooder to the coop and haven't finished the run yet - so they're stuck indoors. I've got a small fan to keep the air moving. I freeze a half dozen water bottles and add them to the waterer. They get offered frozen peas and cabbage/lettuce as treats to help cool and hydrate them. The pop door is going in tonight so hopefully they'll have access to the temp run tomorrow.

Good luck. I hope your hen feel better soon.

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