Can Ducks be Potty Trained??

my ducks come when called by most of the family and they never get treats. maybe once a month some left over lettuce or something. I dot know if its more love than training but if I yell for my ducks they come running and quacking to see me.
I have a baby pekin right now that goes potty in the same exact spot in her tub. She spends most of her time out in my room with me right now though. She lays on her blankets and runs around on the rug so I'm trying to see if I put the shavings in a rabbit litter pan if she will try and use that as her "spot". She always comes running to me and loves being with me. I think the "training" aspect goes along with how attached to you they are. If they see you as the parent I feel they are more inclined to learn from you and listen. She knows when I say her name already. My 12 khakis don't listen much at all. lol They tend to do their own things.
I was thinking about getting another duck for myself, and for it to be indoor. I used to have outdoor ducks (A female and male) and they had a chick. Later though we sold the chick to a nice new owner since the father fought it. Then one night a group of raccoons attacked their sleeping area. They both died. It was sad.

From this page I've found many things true and false. A few are that ducks do go in a specific area as much as possible. It's not 100% but it still goes most of the time. Also ducks waddle away from you and then waddle back to you never just going to you. They don't want to get stepped on is the thing. Keep writing and I hope to learn more duck stories from this page. I hope to give knowledge to others as well.
Didn't read all the post just wanted to jump ahead and say Yes ducks can hold it I noticed some of my ducklings always lifted their tail and backed up to poop so one day I noticed one of their tails go up and started to back up so I picked it up and held its tail down for 5 minutes or so till it got squirmy and put it down it popped seconds later and as far as training look up clicker training a duck on YouTube there are a bunch of people who have done it it's all about routine routine routine
Oh and forgot to say I'm sure that they have some form of control of when and where to poop or at least knowledge of when it's about to happen I say as known fact for me because during one of the batches of ducklings multiple different breeds I had laid out a pet blanket (water / poop proof) on my ottoman and 80% of them would back right up to the edge to poop on the floor everytime
alot have tried it, Ive tried it. it doesnt work

what i mean is, it hasnt worked yet... So keep us updated on how it goes for you
Didn't read all the post just wanted to jump ahead and say Yes ducks can hold it I noticed some of my ducklings always lifted their tail and backed up to poop so one day I noticed one of their tails go up and started to back up so I picked it up and held its tail down for 5 minutes or so till it got squirmy and put it down it popped seconds later and as far as training look up clicker training a duck on YouTube there are a bunch of people who have done it it's all about routine routine routine
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Hello everyone, I was wondering after actually keeping some ducklings from my pair and actually being attached to them and wanting to have them as pets as many do Indoors.I was wondering if anyone has ever potty trained their ducks?
Has anyone heard or seen a duck learn how to go potty in "a" certain area?

Well i appreciate the help and any refferences you guys can give me. Thanks again!
No they cannot hold thier bowels like humans, dogs or cats. They just go. I wish they could be potty trained!

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