can ducks get ticks??


11 Years
Nov 28, 2008
north haven, ct
I was just feeding my drake (an inside duck until spring). Actually he goes out for a couple of hours a day. Anyway, seems like there is a big tick on his neck. Is this possible being December? Will it drop off or should I tweezer and flush. UGH
Okay, so I got my tweezers and a helper......turns out to be one of those burrs imbedded in his neck. Yay! no tick. I have a question though, Fred is a single duck, but got him a young companion this fall, that's why they are inside - he (who should have been a she is too young). Anyway, when we were taking out the burr Fred seemed a bit agressive to my helper - especially after the procedure (he's five months old). He's always a sweetheart to me (so far). Is this normal? Do I have to do anything to stop this? Can I discipline him when this happens or does the helper have to? Thanks!
A HUGE tick just dropped off my Pekin drake's neck. A paralysis tick. He's unable to stand at the moment. He's in the shower cubicle at the moment and I put the plug in loosely and let it fill up a bit for him and it drains fairly quickly to keep him cool ..

I've been giving him seaweed meal mixed with water and thawed peas ... seems to have perked up a bit since the tick dropped off but never know with ticks.

Any suggestions?

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