Can Employer Do This?

I don't know about the state this happened in but where I live there is something called the wage and hour commission and the county commissioner... There are ways of making the owner responisible... that is not reasonable due to the holiday season. However, she didn't use due diligence in leaving the checks to chance... The attorney general would be one to talk to about this... If it is tip money...there is probably a commission for that as well... The attorney generals office should be able to field this and tell you where to file a grievance... I would make a threat first though... It might make them stand up and take notice...and get out a pen.
Any updates?

You know, initially when I was reading all of this, the first thing my mind screamed was HR!! HR!!! That is unless this company is much smaller and HR is practically non-existant. Still, I'd go to the US Dept of Labor for guidance. Hopefully by the time you get an update, all of this won't be necessary because she'll get the money!
Banking and Insurance.
If the checks are not stamped "CASH BEFORE" such and such a date, then the checks are good pretty much indefinately, even if the guy closes the account,because he must show that there are no outstanding checks to the bank the checks are drawn on., and if there's no money in the account when she DOES cash them, HE gets whacked with overdraft fines from each check. ALSO, the Attorney General in your state will help you on the matter of minimum wage vs the hourly wage of a waitress including tips. AND, she has the right to collect unemployment from these cruddy freaks that she worked for, on the grounds that IT IS a seedy place / dangerous to work because of the drug traffic and the drunk that she worhs with!
Im pretty sure she got them cashed.

Thanks guys! She just called me all upset because this place has done so many sleezy things to their workers.
Just wanted to make sure she wasnt one of them.

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