Can field mice hurt ducks??

So sorry I was reading it as feet. It's their bills well put some ACV into their drinking water it will help heal and can kill some bacteria. No don't let them drink Epsom salt water it is a laxative. You could rinse their bills in the Epsom salt water.

Could they be sticking their bills into some place where they are getting punctured ? or does it really look like bite marks?
It looks like bite marks to me. I will try to get a picture and send it. They have been in their house for over a year now and there are no protruding nails or sharp edges so I don't think so but will be going over the space with a very critical eye.
I am not sure what I'm looking at can you show where the punctures are? The freckles on the one is throwing me off on the other pic is it the 2 blk dots below the nares?

They sure are pretty. I am not sure a tiny mouse could bite into a ducks bill maybe so just don't know for sure. But I'd treat it as bites and keep it with some kind of triple antibiotic ointment especially at night so they aren't washing it off after you put it on. Ducks will eat mice or my Muscovy's will.
I am not sure what I'm looking at can you show where the punctures are? The freckles on the one is throwing me off on the other pic is it the 2 blk dots below the nares?

They sure are pretty. I am not sure a tiny mouse could bite into a ducks bill maybe so just don't know for sure. But I'd treat it as bites and keep it with some kind of triple antibiotic ointment especially at night so they aren't washing it off after you put it on. Ducks will eat mice or my Muscovy's will.
Miss Lydia... mystery solved, or at least our best guess. A raccoon was definitely about. There was evidence of that where it tore the plastic off. I think they did it to themselves. I have been doing the deep litter method and their favorite place to hang is under the elevated part of their house, which has gotten pretty shallow. I think in their panic in getting away they were banging themselves up on the joists. It looks like the raccoon chased them around the perimeter outside while they were inside. It is the only thing that makes sense. I am closing them in their loft at night for now. They are not happy about it but Momma knows best. At least until I can clean out their run if this blasted snow ever leaves us! Thank you, once again you have been a fountain of knowledge and I appreciate your advice and response.
You need that pic on your wall it's beautiful.

Okay glad you solved the mystery. Oh boy glad they were able to get away from the raccoon they can reach in a grab our duckies and do all manner or harm to them. Yes keep them safe.
You need that pic on your wall it's beautiful.

Okay glad you solved the mystery. Oh boy glad they were able to get away from the raccoon they can reach in a grab our duckies and do all manner or harm to them. Yes keep them safe.
Thank you, they are easy subjects and fun to photograph. We have 1/2 inch hardware cloth over everything so I feel confident that nothing can get at them from outside other than a bear but they don't need to be teased and terrified by this midnight raider. Poor things. Have a blessed day!
Oh good that is the only way to keep them safe.

Your right how scary that had to have been. We have bears and they have never tried to get into our coops I don't leave food down over night either I know better. lol I have had many a wild bird feeder destroyed or stolen because of the blk bears.

Blessing to you and yours today.

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