Can hens crow?


In the Brooder
May 27, 2015
Ok so I have 4 chicks, 1 started crowing and is 100% a boy, that was obvious from 5 weeks. He is a lavender Bantam.

We have 2 silkies, 1 again is 100% a boy, he crows very loud and just looks like a boy. Now our other silkie is copying him but her crow sounds like a short hoarse attempt. So can females try to crow? They are 10 weeks old.
This is the male that crows loud. I think he has the comb?
Here is the other silkie that has a very hoarse short crow. Male too?
I have 2 silkies, both hens (they lay eggs) and they crow. It sounds like you have described, a hoarse noise. Also, it might help to know when they crow. For example, mine crow when another chicken is laying an egg (they think the nest box is all theirs!), or when the other silkie is broody.

Don't be too quick to assume they are roosters if they crow because I remember my Frizzle crowed a little and didn't lay until 9 months. Hope this helps,
Oh brilliant. Thank you. I am wondering now. One definitely acts male, but he has a huge ball of fluff like a round puff of hair on top of his head which I read is more a female look. It's so confusing.
Agreed! I think the best thing to do would be to wait it out a few months to see if they lay eggs. Although, that could depend on if you live in the country or urban areas. Could be a bit of trouble from your neighbours if its urban!
We live in a residential area and they are going outside this weekend. So it's quite worrying as we have a neighbour that complains about everything.
We live urban too but if the chooks aren't too loud and if you explain to your neighbours that its only for a short while, it should be okay.

Good luck
Both those silkies are male. If it's crowing at 10 weeks it's a cockerel. Pullets do not crow.

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