Can I begin layer feed soon?


Jessamine Cottage
8 Years
Aug 27, 2011
My pullets are 16 weeks old, and I've been feeding them grower crumble. I've got about 3 to 4 weeks more of the grower crumble left, which will bring them up to about 20 weeks. Would it be ok to start feeding them layer crumble at 20 weeks? This will put us about mid-March. I don't want to have to buy a whole bag of grower food if i don't have to.

I would think it would be ok, although Buffs tend to reach point of lay later than most on average or so I thought. I read that 28/30 weeks were average for Buffs but I had one Buff start laying at 20wks,the another at 24 and the last at 28. But you should be fine.
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It sounds that you're going to run out of grower at the right time. Normally, one never feeds layer, because of it's super high level of calcium to pullet not yet in lay. However, since your birds are 16 weeks old, you've enough to feed them for a few more weeks, and with spring days coming fast, I'd say you're about as golden as it gets!!!!!

Buff Orpington pullets aren't the earliest layers, but it sounds as if you prefer to purchase large quantities. I'd say that too is pretty wise.

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