Can I eat my chickens first egg?


7 Years
Jul 27, 2012
Just went out to the coop and in the nest box lay my first egg!
Is their first egg safe to eat? Because everyone else seems to just throw them out/feed them back to the chickens, can I eat the first egg?
I ate the first eggs we got from our girls and - while small - they were wonderful. NO WAY was I throwing them out!
We eat ours. No idea why others would throw theirs out. We did have some odd eggs in the beginning and if they where thin shelled, sometimes they didn't make it to the house before they broke. We even had one that was perfectly round and about half the size of a ping pong ball. My daughter claimed it for breakfast and when we cracked it open, there was absolutely nothing inside
so that one we did NOT eat
My kids were so excited when our first hens layed their first egg, they just had to eat them and I let them! I don't know what should be different between the first egg and the one that follow, except for that I have read somewhere to make sure that the hens haven't had access to medicated feed anymore as that would be also in the eggs.
Bon appetit!

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