Can I eat roo's that have lice?


11 Years
Oct 5, 2008
I have a few questions I need all anwsered at once.
Question 1.
I processed 3 RIR Roo's yesterday and as I was plucking the feathers I noticd dandruff like stuff, so I need to know if I can still eat them?
2. Is this lice or mites?
I skinned them and brined them for almost 12 hours now, And this is gross but if they have lice what if they have worms?? This sounds way grosser as I keep writing. LOL.
Are they safe to eat?
Please help me chicken experts!!!!!!
I am not an expert by any means but it seems to me that any external parasite that you may have had would be washed off when you plucked them and washed the skin but if it still creeps you out you could skin them and have skinless chicken. As for the worms, most of those would be intestinal and gone when you gutted the chicken...

I hope that helps? ETA: cooking would kill any "creatures" if there were any to be killed... I think eating them is just fine... smiles.
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OMG, Thanks for getting back to me, I am a nerd and found something on dandruff!!!! Thats what it is , the little pieces of the
feather follical. If they have lice or mites I think I would see them right? I am just a little paraniod. Funny considering when you buy chicken you have no idea what it's been fed or how it was kept!: Yes they are skinned and ready the the stew pot.Thanks again.

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