Can I feed the pulp from the juicer?

I'm not planning on trying this until my chicks are 8 weeks old. We JUICE here! (No I'm not going to be one of THOSE Juice People) Carrots, apples, celery for the most part. But I always feel like such a wastrel when throwing away all that pulp that the juicer has ground up. Can I eventually feed that to my chickens? It's ground very tiny almost to a flour consistency when done, and I was thinking I might use it eventually as a mash for mornings perhaps?

I just feel so guilty throwing out about a gallon of pulp in the garbage twice a week.

I thank God for BYC. I raised chickens a long time ago when I lived in Michigan. However I now live in Central Florida and it's a different animal here doing anything. So I feel blessed to have found all of this knowledge here with all you lovely people.

I juice. Left overs always made dog treats from.
I do use ginger and turmeric in my juices.

They love it all
Everyone is happu
Win Win
I juice Celery daily and the chickens don't like the pulp. It goes in my compost. I juice 3 to 5 heads of celery daily. It is way too much. I have to throw some of it out. I take all of my veggie waste, including what I cut off the celery and put it in the food processor for my worms and compost. The chickens love that mixture! Sweet Potatoes are a favorite.

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