Can I free range golden pheasants?


In the Brooder
Jan 1, 2024
I am wanting to raise some golden pheasants with chickens and other types of poultry. I have read different things but some people have said that they will come back to the coop at night. I think the only problem would be predators and I have a rooster and will raise some geese to protect them.
Sure, you can free range pheasants....once! if they get out, loose, etc...they will be gone in quick chilly minute! Pheasants and other gamebirds should not be raised around any other poultry, too many disease's that will kill pheasants but chickens especially, can be carriers and it doesn't affect them but will kill gamebirds.
Only if you are okay with never seeing them again. Sure a few might hang around for a couple weeks but they have no self preservation instincts and predators and cars will pick them off quickly. They should not be kept with chickens.
I have had Golden hens free range for a while and walked them back into the pen after a while (a few hours to over 1 night at most). If they are left overnight preditors will eventually get them. I have had Ring-necked hens get out in the early am through a hidden opening and they were waiting by the gate later in the mornings. One hen left and was gone for 2 months until winter and then she returned. If the birds get enough treats and have been with you long enough and they like where they are, they will want to stay around. I have had Ring-necked cockbirds last for upto 2 months before never seeing them again, I am assuming preditors got them. If you let them out get them back in overnight.
I am wanting to raise some golden pheasants with chickens and other types of poultry. I have read different things but some people have said that they will come back to the coop at night. I think the only problem would be predators and I have a rooster and will raise some geese to protect them. Also are golden pheasants a good choice of pheasant to free range?
I don't believe that pheasants can be kept around or with other birds like chickens or geese, they'll get diseases from them. Guard geese is a myth, they won't protect anything besides other geese.

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