Can I give the Marek's dz vaccine to 20 week old pullets?


7 Years
Jan 27, 2012
We just went through a difficult 2 week period that claimed the life of one of our girls, a 20 week old EE. She had the classic symptoms of Marek's and it progressed like I feared it would. However, on the bright side, the four others appear to have escaped it, or at least have so far.

I was wondering if it is OK to give the others the subcutaneous vaccine that is for sale from Jeffers? It has it listed for "day old chicks" but I have heard that you can vaccinate older ones. Any thoughts?

Sorry this is not an answer to your post, but I need to know something. Where can I find the classic symptoms of Mareks so I can see if that is what my chick has??

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