Can I hatch eggs discarded after worming?


6 Years
Mar 25, 2013
A couple of days ago I wormed the flock with Wazine per bottle instructions. In 30 days I will be re-worming with Safe-Guard. I want a broody hen so I don't have to set up another brooder this year, but at a year old none of my birds have shown an inclination to sit. I've heard accumulating a clutch of eggs can help set off the maternal instincts, so I've quit gathering the "toss" eggs and am letting them accumulate in the nests. IF a broody girl comes out of this experiment, can I let her sit those eggs or do I need to replace them with "clean" ones? I did a search and found one testimonial of birth defects from a similar hatch and one that said things worked out fine, but that was from a few years ago. Is there any more data on this now?
Most dewormers say not to eat the eggs after X amount of days, I think hatching chicks from those eggs would not be the best bet. What breeds or crosses do you have? some breeds/hybrids won't sit at all

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