can i have mixed geese breeds?

Disclaimer: I have no personal experience with this, but I know someone who does. When one of her two geese died -- and I don't remember the breed, right off my head -- she found a different breed companion for the survivor. I remember seeing the two of them, happily penned together and honking. So, I think it's possible, but we all know personalities vary so much among poultry.

Sorry about your loss, and I hope things work well for you and your goose.
Not an expert, by any standard, but - my feeling is that geese like the company of other geese, whatever breed or even species. Many years ago I had Toulouse and African browns, and a Canada flock came to visit and cross-bred with them, and stayed overwinter. I don't recall whether the offspring were fertile (two genera, Anser & Branta), they sure were pretty.

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