Can I Have Some Help?


5 Years
Oct 4, 2016
I set four fertile eggs under a broody hen. She rolled one egg out very early on. I only candled today and yesterday. I believe I set them on the 19th of December, BTW New Zealand time is one day earlier then american time, (so it's the 9th here) I believe today is meant to be hatch day I knew two eggs were infertile, so I threw them away. One was your typical gray sludge rotting egg, and the other was just yolk, no sign of a little one, and no smell. I took some pictures off my webcam, I'll try find those. I hear no cheeping or tapping. I suppose I could have gotten the dates wrong, but I really hope the little guy is alright. (Even alive would be nice)
Here is the pic
Candling pic 1.jpg


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Sorry the pic is pretty bad, webcams and dark rooms do not go together. I got my sister to hold the egg and the phone but she got mad at me. So she wanted to take the photo, but I already had it...
Hatch day is tomorrow for you. Did you count the day you set them as day zero or day 1? My guess you counted it as day zero, and they should hatch tomorrow.

I counted it as day zero. I am definatley questioning the fertility of the eggs, as the rooster had been dead for about four days before I set them...
Leave the egg with the hen until tomorrow, then try candling again in a pitch black room or space. Hold the egg upright with the fat end down and the light directly underneath, cupping your hand around the light source to prevent light going anywhere but into the bottom of the egg. If you can clearly see a large air cell and the rest of the egg is fully dark, it is developed and may be alive. Wait until day 24 and if you still see no sign of hatching, you could try the float test.
Hens can be removed from cock birds and still produce fertile eggs three weeks later. The floating sludge in one egg is testament to that- an early quitter. So you had fertility. If you set 12/19 then 1/9 is 21 days later. Leave the egg under the broody and wait it out. Could be a late hatch or could be nothing. Safest place for it is under the hen.

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