can I incubate an egg in my bra? please help!

nothing too new, I can still hear the occasional cheep cheep and tapping. I am trying to just think good thoughts and wait patiently... I will keep you posted though!
ok, I didnt think you could hatch an egg in a bra!!! hmmm now Ive heard it all...I mean, we wash our hands so that we dont contaminate the eggs...yet we put it on our body, where we sweat?...doesnt that cause contamination? its pourous, so wouldnt it take that in?

lost on this one, but nope...never dull around here....
I read a book (My small country living - it's great by the way...) anyway, the author wrote about her greatgrandmother who sometimes finished poultry by hatching eggs down her front. Why not? it's regular body heat and if you're a moist person - should be perfect...
Yes, somewhere on BYC maybe 3 months ago, a lady hatched a whole bunch of eggs in her bra. She kept a thread going with updates the whole time. She would put them in the incubator for very short periods, like if she had to take a shower, and slept in a recliner -- just to see if she could do it. I do recall however, her saying the hatch part was a bit messy. Do keep us posted!

I think this is what happened to that thread:
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I've been holding back... but... WHY?
Why in the world would someone want to hatch an egg in their undergarments when there are so many other sensible options?
I would use a shoe box and birthday candles as an incubator before I put an egg in my clothing.
First of all, my regular body temp runs about 96.8 - that's a bit too low for proper incubation. Second, it isn't very practical for me to do chores or go to work carrying poultry embryos. Third, if the egg broke... eeeeewwwwwww!
Well, there you have my point of view... sorry, but that's where I stand.
Good luck. At least you only have a couple days 'till hatch. You can claim temporary insanity. If you went the whole 21 days... I'd really start to wonder.
Not intending to hi-jack the thread, but that was a great book! Jeanine McMullen wrote it. Havn't thought about that one for years.

Good luck with the egg!

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