Can I integrate my new chicks yet?


In the Brooder
Mar 24, 2015
Greenville, NC
We got some chicks a while ago. They were 2 & 4 weeks when we got them. We had them in a brooder in my husbands shop for 4 weeks. Then we moved the brooder, which is half chicken wire, to inside the run of our established flock. That way they could see the big girls, and the big girls could see them, without anyone getting to eachother. Well it has been almost 3 weeks like that, so they are about 9 & 11 weeks old. Is it too soon to try to let them free with my other girls?
Now is good, but give them lots of space when you do it and two separate sources for food and water (out of site of each other)
Birds mostly fight over space, and food and water. It will help your littler chickens if they do not have to compete with the older chickens, and reassure the older chickens that there will be enough food.

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